
Stories about GOD

       I don't know if there is or isn't a god,but whatever you believe,that's up to you.
    Here is my belief... I don't believe in the God that everyone knows as the person who made the world and everything on it. I believe that a bunch of meatiers and astroids calided thgether and that is what made this planet abd tgat life evolved from the very life forms that were on the meatiers and astroids that formed this planet. And I also believe that man kind evoled from monkeys... why else would the chimp be our closest relitive.
   Anyways... No ones beliefs are wrong,because everyone needs a God to believe in. It may not be the same God as the next person...but I believe that each God that someone will believe in is what i think will take us all to the same place in the end.

(LINK) Witchcraft